About us

The rate of return on foreign investment is higher in Africa than in any other developing region. Global executives and investors must pay heed. JUNE 2010 • Acha Leke, Susan Lund, Charles Roxburgh, and Arend van Wamelen Source: McKinsey Global Institute.

The African economic pulse is beating at a faster rate this decade than ever before. Bouyed by social, economic gains , political democratization, new leadership and modern governance, Africa is the NOW investment frontier.

In the forefront of these partnerships transformational changes, African Development & Financial Consultancy (ADFC) limited will continue to play an important role in attracting Foreign Direct investments, building linkages between foreign investors through different platforms and overall offering financial and investment advisory services.

Established in 1995, the firm enjoys a wealth of experience and expertise gained from reviews and consultancies in different sectors like energy & renewable energy, real estate, transport, banking and finance, telecommunications, natural resource development to commodity trading.

ADFC limited is associated with international Economic Development Infrastructure Funds that support Sovereign Governments development plans, Private Equity Funds and creative financial modeling firms that offer alternative financing for projects and infrastructure projects.

Through subsidiaries, ADFC Limited promotes, develops financial modeling and raises finance for different projects in return for ownership in assets and shares with an exit strategy.

From North Africa to the South Africa states, the francophone states in West Africa to the East Africa Cooperation region, ADFC Limited has a footprint of clientele developed since 1995 that includes Sovereign Governments, Municipal and local authorities, Private corporations, Public institutions to the NGO community.

Our mission

To provide niche market financial and investment services and advise on available investment opportunities in a changing market place that are tax efficient, secure that maximize on the return to investors and have a positive impact on the communities.

Our team

  • Edwin M Kimani

    CPA, IFA Managing Director/CEO
    Mr. Kimani is a career professional in Finance, Auditing, Corporate Recovery, Infrastructure and Projects...
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  • James R. Nash

    Our partner for funding and structured Investor Products. Mr. Nash has been an innovator and entrepreneur...
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